spacegoons blog

blogging extemporaneously

Juicy’s Pyramidal Joy

Nohoch Mul Pyramid, Coba, Quintana Roo She said this place, this pyramid, felt completely familiar to her, as if she has been up here many times before. She said Chichen’itza did not feel that way at all. Glued to the step where we sat down, she begged me to stay as long as we could. She looked like she could not contain the overwhelming feelings she was experiencing, it was […]

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the piano teacher and the black stig against my “salad days”

Originally posted on spacegoons blog:
It was around the time my mother purchased my first bra, that she suddenly started insisting on my taking piano lessons, at home. We did not own a piano but that posed no problem, because we were getting one! I was already hormonally stupefied enough to notice any correlation or smell her conspiracy. But even if I did, experience has thought me that when my…

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Build-A-Soul workshop

During this last spring break my daughter and I found ourselves outside of Build-A-Bear store entrance. Part by crazy logistical construction detour chance, part by my daughter’s persistence, and despite my reluctance to walk in that general direction, we found ourselves standing at the very door of this mother-load of memories. This was it, hers and daddy’s place, where they built that tacky pink unicorn which I regularly hid from […]

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“But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart…”

“Mais les yeux sont aveugles. Il faut chercher avec le cœur” Mom whispered softly behind my ear. Her words gently pulled me back into the conscious moment, into my seat, into the bearing of the persistent engine hum, and the hustle and bustle of a full evening flight to London. I was anxious and worried and could not stay away from the window. It wasn’t a fear of flying. Au […]

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the price of coffee in Lilliput

My passionate love affair with coffee began long before I was old enough to participate in its worship. Even as early as diaper age, I was completely entranced by the dark roasted matter and intense adult obsession with it, and it still represents one of my strongest, cherished, early childhood memories. But it was not just any coffee that I fell in love with, it was the black, intimidating, aromatic, […]

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I’m so gonna unblock U!

In this grub of life, I’ve been chewing on massive life lessons for breakfast, digesting serious set-backs for lunch, and devouring big life changes for dinner, washing it all down with soul-grow and burping up the most enthralling 44 years of delicious metamorphic existence. Some people are go-getters, some self-entitled grabbers, me, from my babyness and all the way to this womaness, I have been the eager change seeker, the […]

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the piano teacher and the black stig against my “salad days”

It was around the time my mother purchased my first bra, that she suddenly started insisting on my taking piano lessons, at home. We did not own a piano but that posed no problem, because we were getting one! I was already hormonally stupefied enough to notice any correlation or smell her conspiracy. But even if I did, experience has thought me that when my mother was determined like that, […]

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a cappuccino with my comrades, at a local Café Europa

Originally posted on spacegoons blog:
A recent slightly stingy criticism from a friend, about using a foreign language as an aid to explain something to a weaker English speaker, sent me on a nostalgic thinking spree. In my first 17 years in the States, I spoke English only. From the moment my passport was stamped and green card was handed to me at the airport, I was an exclusively English…

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my love’s gift of hope

Today, I received the first letter from the recipient of one of Rob’s organs. For the last 2 years, I anxiously awaited receiving this letter, not knowing how I would feel when it finally reached me. The Gift of Hope organization, handled the recipient to donor family communication in the most sensitive and caring manner. I had a choice not to open it, they didn’t leave it to a chance […]

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beautifully wrapped grotesques

Two girlfriends were having lunch at the table next to us. One was very tall and stunningly beautiful. She looked like a super model, peeled from the page of a fashion magazine, and plopped onto a chair next to us. Her skin was glowing in exotic shade of flawless pale coco, her body was elegant and graceful, her posture was royal. The way her fingers wrapped around her glass, or […]

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baby lottery

My life was permanently altered 8 years ago today. It was the day my late husband said to me with greatest conviction that we just won baby lottery! Since that day my life is filled with deepest meaning, most intense love and brightest light, and I cannot imagine having a different purpose or a different path other than the one I share with my juicy, my sweet Sashe! Here is […]

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55% of love, guaranteed!

I took a stab at online dating recently. Time has come to silence all the well-meaning encouragers in the business of grief-healing and moving forward in life. I got on a dating website that prides itself with layers of inquisition and digging deeper so you find that most fitting mate to match you on deeper levels than you ever thought possible, or at least at apparent 55% level of compatibility. […]

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These are not tears, it’s just rain.

I chaperoned my daughter’s field trip to the poetry foundation yesterday. I got to school early, so I waited in the vestibule until her class was ready to go. I sat down on the bench and observed kids rushing in, running late. They were so cute, rain coats, boots and mini umbrellas, giant backpacks of all colors, bouncing up and down as they rushed in… As soon as they entered […]

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Oh, just set those 65 pounds down anywhere.

My daughter is almost 8, and one of the most intoxicating, euphoric things I stupidly still do with her, is carry her around in my arms every chance I get. I carry her to bed at night, I carry her out of bed in the morning and I pick her up spontaneously when ever the opportunity presents itself or she does something insanely cute. This need for carrying my offspring […]

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